Here’s a short one for today. But its one of my favorite
Feher stories of all time.
Sometimes, C goes out of town. When she does, M usually
reverts back to bachelor mode. You know, nothing gets done and he becomes helpless. He runs out of toilet
paper and just steals a roll from his parent’s house. C plans out meals for
him, but he still gets chipotle. Everyday.
Anyway, this one time C hit the road, M needed cash for the week.
So C tells him to pull cash from the ATM from their savings account. ( I don’t
know why she told him this. But she did).
She asks M, “ You DO know how to pull cash from savings,
“Of course I do!”, he replies.
M is a financial analyst. He knows money and he knows it well. But only if its in the millions. He basically tells CEO's whether they can or can not spend millions of dollars. However, in the Feher home, C definitely controls the funds. She pays the bills, solely knows the passwords to all the accounts and holds the credit cards. The running joke is that if C left M, she would leave him in the dust and take all the money. So one might assume he'd know how to take cash from his savings account. But alas, he does not.
Two days
into her trip, C asks her dear hubby if he had gotten cash from savings.
He replies, “ Yes, C. I went to the grocery store, bought
some gum and got cash back”.
Well, as we all know, that cash didn't come from savings. Oh M. What are we to do with you?
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