Thursday, September 6, 2012

M's Job and C's "job"

So, this is a matter which comes up in conversation from time to time. A topic that I have discussed (that's a loose term because a "discussion" usually entails heavy sarcasm with some raised voices and a profanity or two) with each party separately and one that we have all discussed together.

During these discussions, M usually giggles (yes, giggles) and C puts on her F-you-I'm-not-really-mad-but-I-want-you-to-think-I'm-mad face. And she pouts. Because here's the deal:

M has a Job, with a capital "J". He wears a tie daily. He has special, shiny oxfords and loafers (that he still keeps in their original boxes. ooo la la). Rarely does M leave work before 8 p.m. He attends company picnics and baseball games. His job entails sitting at a desk crunching numbers, lots and lots of numbers.  He worked really hard in college, graduated top of his class and is now getting an MBA, to boot. In the Job department, he's got it going on. The guy may be a little prissy, but he sure is smart.  M has an A+, bona-fide, good and proper Capital "J" Job.

(I write these things because they're true, not because I necessarily want to. You see, when M reads this, I guarantee his ego is going to inflate to the size of Canada and he'll float around gloating his little heart out. He's kind of unbearable when he gets like that.)

Now, let's move over to C. In this "job" of hers, she "works" from home. Glued to her computer. Parked on the couch. Most of the time she doesn't wear pants. Bra's are a rarity, as well.  Sometimes I hear her on the phone, but I swear to God, once she was talking to someone who's child had a name that sounded freakishly close to Honey-Boo-Boo. Oh, and the TV is on. All day. And she burps. I know that has nothing to do with this. But I just wanted to throw it in.

Ok, so I did meet two of her coworkers. They were really nice. That should put a little validity to this "job" thing, right? Interestingly enough, I met them at pool party. In the middle of the afternoon. On a Thursday. Hmm. Its also been reported that they plan shopping days, eat out together multiple times a week and enjoyed a Palm Springs weekend, too. Those are some convenient coworkers.

Look, I'm not going to just come out and say that her job doesn't exist. I'm not going to actually say that there's some sort of triplet conspiracy going on. I'm not here to pass judgement on the legitimacy of C's employment claims. However, I am going to say that regardless of its authenticity, it's just not a Capital "J"job. It's just not. Sorry.

Bring on the giggles. And the F-you glare.

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