Friday, November 30, 2012

Why Paleo Just Might Kill You

One day, I walk in the house and C is perched in her usual spot on the couch, sans pants. She’s engrossed in  her “job”. I move to the kitchen for a snack when C exclaims, “Oh my god, I almost died yesterday. And your pita bread seriously saved my life”.

Let’s rewind: Friday night I got Greek take-out. I was a little skeptical of the restaurant because I am Greek and I have high expectations. That tidbit’s not relevant to the story. But now you know something you weren't previously privy to. I didn’t finish my meal so, into the fridge it went, along with the pita bread.

Rewind even more: For the last year, C has been doing a (mostly) Paleo diet. For those of you who don’t know, basically you eat meat and veggies and that’s it. And, among other things, there’s no bread. (Don’t worry, I’m not going to turn this delightful blog into some health expose. If you really want to know about Paleo, I’m sure your nimble minds know how to use Google).  Without any carbs in your body, alcohol consumption can be a little tricky (or life-threatening, apparently).

Now back to when C almost died. Shame on me for not storing these two highly important pieces of information in the forefront of my brain, but I really needed some clarification on her outburst. Out comes the story like this:

“So I drank way too much on Saturday night and I was feeling pretty bad on Sunday morning and I thought I wasn’t going to make it and I obviously don’t have any bread in the house and that really was all that I needed and then I saw your leftovers and so I ate the pita bread and I really think it saved my life”.

First of all, dramatic much? Secondly, you’re welcome.

P.S. When the "mostly" Paleo diet isn't in existence,  C undertakes the Ice Cream and Bacon diet. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

10 Things About C

Today is C's Birthday! In honor of her day of birth, here is a list (not a complete list, mind you) composed of various facts that make up who she is.

1. One time C crashed a vespa into a light pole in France. (there will be a post following that one up)
2. For breakfast today, C has already eaten  two brownies.
3. Therefore, her deadly sin of choice is gluttony. Ask her. She'll admit it.
4. C used to wear really fancy designer jeans in college, yet paired them with dirty "wife beaters" with colorful bra straps peeking out and still called herself classy.
5. One time C tripped at the gas station and knocked the gas cap off the car. Not only is the cap still off, but it now lives on the coffee table in the living room.
6. Today is also All-Saints Day. She doesn't think that's a coincidence.
7. Instead of turkey or PB & J, Christine's school-day lunches used to have liverwurst sandwiches.
8. One time M told C that he was driving with his eye's closed (he really just closed one of his eyes). He instructed her that all she had to do was tell him when he needed to turn next. She believed him and wanted to try it herself.
9. C snores louder than any person you will ever meet.
10. She's not allowed in Library's because she doesn't have an inside voice.

And today, for her Birthday, C will be getting the keys to her new house! I'd say that's a pretty good present! If you love C, tell her so! Not like she needs the ego boost :)