Thursday, October 25, 2012

The One About the Butt

Ok. So remember how in the very first post, it was stated that C wanted her own reality TV show. This here blog was supposed to be a sufficient alternative for that desire. But, as it would turn out, C will, in fact, be on television. And it is very much a TV show about real life. Don't get your hopes up though, she wont' be cozy-ing up to Snooki or cursing out a housewife.

side note: C loves The Real Housewives of any and all cities. I kid you not, one time I awoke to the symphony of numerous women fighting and screaming. It was the Real Housewives of New York reunion.  At 6:30 am. 

Moving on.

In all seriousness, C was asked to be a guest on a show called The Doctors. You know the one with all the really good looking MD's who chat about all things health and wellness. Well, as some of you may or may not know, C has Crohn's Disease. You can find out more about it here. Crohn's is a chronic inflamation of the digestive tract, caused by an overactive immune system.  Basically, her insides look like a chewed up 'now and later' and, as a result, she's had 5 surgeries on her ass. She sometimes jokes that her rear end is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. I guess you could say she's kinda like Beyonce.

While it is entirely unfortunate that she has had to battle this disease for the past 10 years of her life and, at times, the side effects and hospital stays have been almost too much to bear, C has remained immensely positive. Not only have there been some significant goodness throughout (M first told C he loved her in one of those hospital stays), there have been countless humorous occasions, too. Which is par for the course in the Feher life. For example:

- One of C's doctors was an Albino. No, he didn't just need a tan, he literally was Albino. He only visited C in the night. Like an Albino Vampire.

- One time C received a giant, and by giant, I mean GIANT get well card. Think full body size. Upon opening said card, a picture of huge butt popped out at her. Feel Better Soon!

-Because this condition often prompts frequent and urgent bathroom breaks, C possesses a special "get-to-the-front-of-the-line" card. Should an urgent situation arise, C may give this special card to a patron waiting for the bathroom and get a free pass to the toilet. No waiting required! Let it be known, however, that C has never used the card.

-Oh, but M has. Sometimes, he has his own frequent and urgent bathroom breaks. But that's a whole other story in itself.

-Recently, C went to a Crohn's Fair. Someone setting up the event thought it would be a great idea to have a blow up colon tunnel. For those of you who don't understand what that is, it is a tunnel that is inflatable and is in the shape of a colon. For the life of me, I can't understand why C wouldn't want that at her next birthday party!

-Also recently, C spent three nights in the hospital. She was, for lack of a better term, backed up. The culprit? Carrots. Lots and lots of carrots. Somehow, the plethora of orange sticks wedged themselves together down there. Truthfully, there was nothing the hospital could do. Except wait. Which means C had to wait until she pooped before she was allowed to go home. Yay.

-There have been way, way, way too many people who have seen her tushie.

And last, but not least, is the fact that someone actually put her on television to talk about her own ass?!? Oi vey. And now we have come full circle.

For those of you that are interested, the show might air sometime next week. We'll try to keep you posted. But until then, be grateful for your regular bowl movements :) Its a good sign of health; something C doesn't take for granted. Because now, after so many years, so many surgeries and so many medications, C's Crohns is very much under control.